
Lectures from Hopkins Festival 2012

Professor Robert Smart,
Quinnipiac University,

Professor Smart takes as his starting point Eve Sedgwick’s analysis of Gothic conventions and personal history, and while I will make a small claim near the end for a Gothic dimension in Hopkins’ life, he wants rather to focus on Hopkins's language and his last years in Dublin.

Robert Smart: Writing That Cannot Lie: Gerard Manley Hopkins in Dublin

Dr. Eamon Kiernan,
Dr.phil. (Education),
University of Magdeburg,
Dr Kiernan draws on Meister Eckha, to offer an interpretation of the poem, As Kingfishers Catch Fire centered on the idea of the Just Man. In making present the pattern of individuality in the way it does, the poem fails to 'justice' in its own terms, providing a possible explanation for Hopkins' discomfort.

Eamon Kiernan : 'As Kingfishers Catch Fire'

Bruno Gaurier,
Hopkins Translator,

Bruno Gaurier examines the Gerard Manley HopkinsSermons to see how they influenced his poetry and his role as a Priest. Gerard Manley Hopkins is mostly and at most known around the world as a poet. There has been until now some discussion and argument about the link – or the non-linkage at all – between his poetry and his personal commitments, above all his becoming a Catholic and assuming priesthood by the Jesuits. I found several themes linking the sermons with the poetry and I will present 3 of these today

Bruno Guarier : An Examination of Hopkins and his Sermons

Hopkins and Hiberno English

Poet Desmond Egan, artistic director of the Gerard Manley Hopkins Literary Festival explores Hopkins and hiberno-english in a wide ranging discussion of Hopkins' writing as well as Irish writers and spoken English in Ireland. Surely there must be some explanation for this preponderance of writers of Irish ancestry among the important ones in English literature? Read on:

Hiberno English in Hopkinsd Writings

Can Hopkins and his oeuvre be "head-shrunk"?

Dr Aidan Gregg,
Research Psychologist,

Dr Aidan Gregg, – himself an active , specializing in self and identity- does not think so.

While clinical psychology may illuminate aspects of Hopkins's life and work, its many limitations and pitfalls must be appreciated.

Can clinical psychology help us understand Hopkins?

Links to other 2012 Hopkins Festival Lectures

Cllinical Analysis and Gerard Manley Hopkins

Hopkins in Dublin

As Kingfishers Catch Fire

Hopkins and Hiberno English

Hopkisn Sermons

Landscape in Hopkins and Egan Poetry 
Walt Whitman and Hopkins Poetry
Emily Dickenson and Hopkins Poetry
Dualism in Hopkins

Landscape in Hopkins and Egan Poetry 
Walt Whitman and Hopkins Poetry
Emily Dickenson and Hopkins Poetry
Dualism in Hopkins